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  10. myMaterial-Manager
   10.1 Structure of myMaterial-Manager
      10.1.1 Select colour, material and favourites
      10.1.2 Export colour, material and favourites
      10.1.3 Return to SPECTRUM 5
11. Colour true- Calibration - ColorMunki
   11.1 Simple colour optimisation (without ColorMunki)
      11.1.1 Calibration
   11.2 Calibration with ColorMunki
      11.2.1 Display profiling
      11.2.2 Printer profiling
      11.2.3 Import of colour hues to SPECTRUM 5
   12.1 Training
   12.2 Website
   12.3 Contact

10. myMaterial-Manager

SPECTRUM 5 offers an unrivalled selection of current colours and material collections. The "myMaterial-Manager" enables you to export all surfaces through "drag-and-drop" to external programs such as Microsoft Word, Adobe Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator, as well as CAD/3D applications such as 3Dsmax, Cinema4D etc. When you click "Extras">"myMaterial-Manager" in the main navigation, the SPECTRUM 5 program window is closed and the "myMaterial-Manager" window opens.

myMaterial-Manager      myMaterial-Manager